Yu Shuping

via: 大连艺术学院 date: 07/11


Yu Shuping is a lecturer, clothing designer, the director of the Clothing Teaching and Research section and a member of the Dalian Clothing Designers Association. She has lectured on such topics as Clothing Structure Drawing, Clothing CAD, Clothing Plate-making and Plate-pushing, Clothing Techniques, etc. She has complied 2 teaching materials and multiple academic papers. The papers have won several prizes. She won second prize in excellent scientific research achievements in Liaoning vocational education. The Clothing Design teaching team is rated as a “provincial excellent teaching team”.She participated in the program that was named as the key program in educational reform and research in Liaoning higher colleges and universities. The book 3D Cutting published by Chemical Industry Press is rated as a textbook in the “12th five-year plan” period in vocational colleges. She compiled the teaching material Clothing Construction Design and Practical Training in the “12th five-year plan” period. She has won the excellent teacher award and education award  several times while guiding her students in practical teaching.