Liu Guohui

via: 大连艺术学院 date: 07/11


Liu Guohui, of Han Nationality, was born in Lin Kou County, Heilongjiang Province. He is a member of the Communist Party of China, and also a professor with a postgraduate Master’s Degree in historiography. He joined the army after graduation from Northeast Normal University with a Master’s Degree in July, 1993. He acted as a teacher in the PLA Dalian Army College. He was released from military service in 2003. During that time, he was rated as an excellent member of the Communist Party of China in the Shenyang military region, a model teacher in the college, a model of learning-from-Leifeng and a model for 4 aspects of teaching talent. He won third-class merits 4 times. He was hired by the Dalian Art College in February, 2004. He established the Ideological and Political Theory Teaching and Research section and became its Director. He has presided over 1 subject area in the Ministry of Education and 4 provincial subject area in the Liaoning Education Department, the Social Science Association and the College Working Committee. He has published over 80 scientific research papers and many of them have won awards. During his time at the Dalian Art College, he has been rated as an excellent teacher in Liaoning Province, an excellent teacher in Ideological and Political Theory in Liaoning Province, an excellent member of Communist Party in China in Dalian, a model teacher, an outstanding teacher and an excellent director in the Teaching and Research section. As head of the Teaching and Scientific Research in Ideological and Political Theory at Dalian Art College, he has emphasized the teaching ideology of” student first” and put forward the teaching principle “three approaches” and the teaching mode “five guiding principles”. “Three approaches” refers to “approaching the student’s ideology”, “approaching the student’s major” and “approaching the student’s foundation” on the basis of “approaching the reality, approaching the life and approaching the student” presented in CPCCC No. 16 Document Opinions about Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Education of Undergraduates. “Five guiding principles” refers to the teacher’s leadership position in five areas: “guidance in direction”, “guidance in teaching”, “guidance in thinking”, “guidance in discussion” and “guidance in behavior”, producing stronger and positive effects in teaching. Simultaneously, he put forward the teaching methods of “artistic penetration” and “focusing on the problem”. The team he led was rated as “excellent team” in 2010. Under his guidance the course “An Outline of Modern Chinese History”  was rated as “excellence course”.