Sun Yi

via: 大连艺术学院 date: 06/11


Sun Yi is the choral director and an assistant professor at Dalian Art College. He is the secretary-general of the Specialist Steering Committee in the School of Music at the Dalian Art College and is a member of the Chinese Musicians Association. He has been designated as a “national professional backbone” by the Ministry of Culture. He has been awarded the title “Top-10 Composer” by the Ministry of Culture and is the standing conductor of the Philharmonic Men’s Chorus in the Chinese Musicians Association and in the Dalian Children's Choir. He has signed contracts to compose with the China Record Corporation and the China Literacy Federation Center. He loved music and learned music as a child. He learned to play the piano and the accordion from Liu Shumin, a composer in the Sinkiang Military Region Cultural Troupe. Afterwards, he learned to compose from Professor Ma Hui at the Xinjiang Normal University. In 1994, when he was 15 years old, he was admitted to the Department of Composing and Composing Theory at the secondary school affiliated with the Xi’an Conservatory of Music. His teachers were Professor Han Lankui and Associate Professor Cheng Baohua. Later he achieved the highest grade in his undergraduate major at the Xi’an Conservatory of Music. His Professors were Lu Jinyong and Assistant Professor Cheng Baohua. During his years of study, he won scholarship several times and held a post in the student union. While studying at the Xi’an Conservatory of Music, he composed The First Symphony and The First String Quartet; the song Shaanxi Opera won the first prize in “collection of national songs and plays”. His graduation symphony Look West was consistently praised by the specialists. The song Hometown in China won the Shaanxi Government Award. He has assisted Tao Long and He Yi, the composers in the Xi’an Film Studio, in the creation of music for several films and television programs. While he was an undergraduate, he took advantages of festivals and holidays to learn conducting from the famous conductors Zheng Xiaoying and Liu Dadong. Afterwards, he learned composing from Professor Su Xia of Central Conservatory of Music. He studied for 3 years in middle school affiliated secondary school and 5 years of undergraduate course in the Xi’an Conservatory of Music, having a solid foundation in composing and achieving superior achievements in harmony, musical structure, orchestration, polyphony, Chinese folk music, etc. After graduating from Xi’an Consecratory of Music, he took a post in The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force Political Department Cultural Troupe and then in The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force Political Department Cultural Troupe No. 7 Air Force Propaganda Team. Simultaneously, he was admitted to the graduate class for China art researchers. During that time, he created numerous vocal music and instrumental music works, including Sun and Kite, Moon, Moon, The Call of Mother, Call at Yan’an, The Silk Road, Dream of Tibet, Attachment to China, Snow in June, All Rivers Flow into the Sea, Hometown in China, Everyone Eulogizes Sinkiang, Shaanxi Opera and Song of Incorrupt Government. After the army mechanism reform, he was transferred to the Sichuan Normal University Academy of Modern Arts as a teacher in the Department of Composing. While teaching there, he coached and led the students to winning the first prize in the National University Students Arts Festival and the 14th Stars Award by the Ministry of Culture. He won the Youth Scientific and Technical Progress Award of Sichuan Normal University, and organized the 60th school anniversary party at the Sichuan Normal University, Undergraduate Level Evaluation Party for the Ministry of Education and the Opening Ceremony party for the School of Music at the Sichuan Normal University. His work was acclaimed by the experts. His work Analysis of Works of Chinese Contemporary Composers has been serialized in the Sichuan Music and Dance Magazine. He has published the book Analysis of Chinese Contemporary Vocal Music Works. He took the post of assistant dean in the Academy of Modern Arts and of secretary-general of the Academic Board of Sichuan Normal University. Simultaneously, he acted as the conductor of the Sichuan Bashu Chorus and took the chorus to perform in Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture. He created Saying of a Bird, winning the outstanding creation of musical works award in the China Musicians Association, recomposed The Large Northeast and conducted the chorus of the Dalian Art College to win the Excellence Award of the 7th Golden Bell Award. He conducted the men’s chorus of the Dalian Art College into the finals of CCTV Young Singer Competition and won the gold award in the Mainland and Taiwan chorus competition. He created the song Dynamic and Static Qiang Race Village, winning the 14th “starts award” of the Ministry of Culture, and the song Hometown in China, winning the “government award”. He has successively created musical works, journals and literature for the Spring Festival Party of the Ministry of Culture, the 54th Miss World China Tour, and the 30th Anniversary party for Sino-Thailand Diplomatic Relations, including Analysis of Chinese Contemporary Vocal Music Works, Analysis of Chinese Contemporary Composers, Trans-positional Consideration between Composer and Singer, Basic Elements of Chorus Rehearsal, the novellas Daughter of the Sea, the essay Coming and Leaving, etc. the lecturers: Analysis of Chinese Contemporary Vocal Music Works, Diversification of the Music, etc.