Qu Xiangmei

via: 大连艺术学院 date: 06/11


Qu Xiangmei, graduated from the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts with a Major in Dyeing and Weaving. She has been an art education teacher in the Yingkou Technical School, the Yingkou Normal College and the Yingkou Vocational and Technical College. She has been teaching in the Decoration and Research Division of the Department of Art Design at Dalian Art College since 2003. She supervised students in participating in competitions and winning provincial and national awards. She has published several papers and her award-winning works have been published in provincial and national periodicals. She was the editor-in-chief of the excellent teaching material, 3D Composition, for 21st century colleges and universities in 2009. She was the editor-in-chief of ,Design Color, a skill teaching material for colleges and universities in 2010. She finished the scientific research project of Reform of the Research And Practice Of “Productization,” a Practical Teaching System for the Design and Making of Tourist Souvenir Crafts in Liaoning.