Gong Xibin

via: 大连艺术学院 date: 07/11


Gong Xibin is a nationally known actor and an actor of the Changchun Film Studio. He was born in an ordinary worker’s family in Harbin in 1953. He was recruited by a team from the Changchun Film Studio on August 22, 1972 when he graduated from No. 91 Middle School. He has worked for the Changchun Film Studio for 35 years. Actors for the Changchun Film Studio include Chi Zhiqiang, an actor in Youngster, Liu Yanli, an actor in Bright Spring Day and Jiang Ruilin, who has changed his profession to assistant director. After joining the Changchun Film Studio, he made his first film Starting a Business, where he played the role of Qin Fafen. His first award-winning film was Ji Hongchang, where he played the part of Zhao Danian. In addition, he has also acted in over 20 movies and television plays, including Eagle in the Sky, Be Proud! Mother, White Lotus, Hero in Northeast China, etc. He was gradually becoming the leader in the troupe at that time.  He became the head of the troupe and now is the Dean of the School of Film & Television. His main works: Journal of Policewomen (1991), Haishi Suicide Squad (1990), Super Detective (1988), Hero in Northeast China (1987), Fashionable Red Dress in the Street (1984), Hoping This Is Not True (1983), The Third Goddess (1982), May They Live Long (1981), Be Proud! Mother (1980), Wedding on the Execution Ground (1980), White Lotus (1980), Ji Hongchang (1979), Hope (1977), Eagle in the Sky (1976) and Starting a Business (1974).